Understanding the Mega Rule: RMV Installation Best Practices

This third article in our series is designed to provide clarity amid the many new complexities surrounding the Mega Rule (read articles one and two). It considers the impact of the ‘Final Rule’, known as the Valve Spacing Rule and presents solutions to the key challenges it can create – enabling you make informed decisions and comply with these regulatory updates.


Like the wider Mega Rule, the Valve Spacing Rule updates and builds on existing regulation. It establishes safety performance standards for the identification of ruptures, pipeline segment isolation, and other mitigative actions. Also like the Mega Rule, it introduces strict remediation and response requirements for any deficiencies, issues and emergencies that must be planned for and actioned within a rule-stipulated period. It defines new requirements for valve spacing, maintenance and inspection, risk analysis, emergency response and applies to onshore gas transmission, Type A gas gathering and onshore hazardous liquid pipelines with diameters of six inches or greater. Furthermore, it covers new and entirely replaced pipeline infrastructure – the latter defined as a total of two miles of pipeline replaced within a five mile stretch over a period of 24 months.

Specifically, the Valve Spacing Rule defines timelines for the installation of Rupture-Mitigation Valves (RMV) – a new definition for an automatic shut-off valve (ASV) or a remote-control valve (RCV) that pipeline operators use to minimize the volume of released product, mitigate risk, and reduce the impact of a rupture.

Compliance has time and cost implications for operators. However, Dairyland’s expertise and technologies can be harnessed to ensure conformity, safety, and competitive edge.


Examples of Main-Line Valves with Connected Electrical Circuits

Challenge #3: RMV Installation

It is common for electrical equipment, such as motor operated valves, to be inadvertently electrically bonded to pipelines. This includes utility earthing (grounding) systems, which can themselves then become additional paths for cathodic protection (CP). This can have a dramatic negative impact on CP system performance. Indeed, all electrical equipment attached to a pipeline requires a bond to ground. However, grounded equipment, such as motor-operated valves, will short out any DC current from CP systems. Equipment therefore needs to maintain effective grounding paths for safety, while also maintaining DC isolation so CP systems can effectively protect against corrosion.

Solution #3: RMV Installation Best Practices

Dairyland products are certified for use in an electrical circuit grounding conductor. They provide a proven solution for DC isolation and simultaneous AC grounding for equipment such as motors, eliminating direct bonds that will short-circuit CP systems to ground. Specific decoupling product requirements will be determined by a variety of factors, including hazardous location ratings, potential for induced AC, and blocking threshold levels at various CP voltages. Our referenced application guide gives guidance on how to maintain effective grounding paths for safety, while also maintaining DC isolation so that your CP system can effectively protect against corrosion.

Dairyland combines industry leading innovative technology and solutions with a long history of providing recommended best practices for maintaining electrical isolation of rupture Mitigation Valves. We know that the updates dictated by the Valve Spacing Rule and the wider Mega Rule are challenging for operators, and implementing compliant integrity management programs for entirely replaced and new pipeline infrastructure will generate time and cost implications. However, we can create efficiencies and improve safety by delivering robust, first-time-right equipment solutions.

It is important to thoroughly understand the performance strengths and limitations of any equipment before application. Our technical support staff are ready to support you in a variety of ways, and always offer free personal consultations to help our customers decide how to apply Dairyland solutions to achieve Valve Spacing Rule compliance.

Mega Rule Article 1: Accurate Close Interval Surveys
Mega Rule Article 2: Interference Mitigation

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