Top-10 Questions About Decouplers

This presentation will explore the most frequently asked questions about decouplers regarding their applications, ratings, specifications, and more. Attendees will learn the differences between Dairyland’s diverse decoupler product line, while gaining a deeper understanding of how they work and where to apply them to solve various industry problems.

Presentation Time = Approximately 20 mins followed by 10 min Q&A.

Event Info:
  • September 17, 10:00 am - 10:30 am CDT
  • Free Event
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Meet The Speakers

Travis Cagle Business Development Leader

Travis has been in electronics in some form since working in his grandfather’s TV shop at age eight, and he has worked in the corrosion and instrumentation & measurement industries since 2012. Besides holding a bachelor’s degree in Anthropology from Wichita State University, Travis served as an airborne Cryptologic Technician and Polish linguist in the Navy, and as a tower Air Traffic Controller for the FAA. Travis was also involved in the development of the satellite and renewable energy industries, and he has been an off-grid power system designer, factory rep, and consultant for many years prior to joining Dairyland Electrical Industries. Travis holds a NACE CP1-Cathodic Protection Tester certificate besides his FAA certifications. For hobbies, Travis enjoys drone piloting and metal detecting, and he is currently teaching English as a second language with Bartlesville (OK) Literacy Council. Read Bio.

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