What does it mean to attend to the whole person?
It is human to feel the heaviness, fear, uncertainty and stress swirling throughout our world. In recent weeks we have heard a lot about taking critical actions to keep ourselves and others healthy amid global pandemic. While their importance can’t be emphasized enough, at Dairyland we have been considering how we can further meet the needs of the whole person.
We invite you to join us as we care for both ourselves and others right now. Our partners, spouses, kids, extended family members, friends, coworkers, neighbors, and even the lady in front of us at the grocery store need it. We need it too. It takes compassion, intentionality, and generosity, and this is what it means to live engaged in the mundane moments and stressful times of crisis.
Toward that end, we put together a list of prompts and possibilities to pursue a different approach to this season. You might walk away with 1 new practice or incorporate 5; take what is helpful. It might even spark a different idea that is life-giving for you.
May these become on-roads to thriving and living engaged even now.
Slash excessive inputs of news and social media. Cut what is unhelpful and fuels stress, discontent, or anger. Enjoy the peace and mental space it brings.

Find ways to laugh – watch a funny movie, reminisce and tell stories, be silly and don’t take yourself too seriously.
Move your body – take a walk outside (with distance from others, of course), exercise at home, breathe deeply, stretch. If you’re the dancing type, that works too.

Don’t apply the cut recommendation here: go to bed early and get sleep.
A lot has been taken away from us, but what can we add, improve, or make? Consider crafting, building, baking, coloring, re-arranging or decorating a space, designing or fixing something broken.

Eat tasty food that also nourishes your body. It helps boost your immune system too.

We adults haven’t outgrown the need to play and have fun. Play a game, do something you love, tap your imagination. Living room blanket forts are not off limits.
Though we’re far apart from most people physically, we can still call, video chat, send handwritten notes, or talk from a distance. Ask thoughtful questions and consider how to take these conversations deeper than just the virus. For those under the same roof, how can you use this time to strengthen relationships and foster meaningful experiences?

It can feel more comfortable to avoid what’s happening in and around us, but actively reflecting (thinking, journaling, talking it out, practicing daily gratitude) helps us process and accept – even leverage – it. Be gentle and kind to yourself; this is a new experience you’ve likely never had to navigate before.
HOBBIFY (we don’t think this word actually exists, but do affirm hobby as a verb)
What have you wanted to do but always pushed aside for “when you have time?” Go for it! Read or learn something new, listen to a podcast, pick up a new hobby.
There’s a scientifically documented “helper principle” which shows that helping others also brings joy and satisfaction to you: a win-win situation. It additionally cultivates a sense of agency when we feel like we have no power or control over our circumstances. There are plenty of needs around us; how can you meet one today? Consider who might be even worse off, on the margins, and have no one looking out for them?
“What does this situation make possible?” We’re regularly reminded of what we can’t do, but what might be possible because of the unique limitations we experience? Be on the lookout.
Send us a line at LiveEngaged@dairyland.com or tag us on social media (Facebook + Instagram) – we would love to hear from you and what you’re doing to live engaged these days.