You may or may not have noticed that throughout Dairyland’s 35-year existence, you never saw a mission or vision statement from us. Quite frankly, though we were clear about the purpose and direction of the company, we never felt inclined to state it.
We know, as you likely do too, what often happens with such statements – they become lofty mantras that few achieve and many disbelieve. We wanted no part in that – no statement for statement’s sake – believing that people would come to know and respect us by the evidence we produced and their experience of working with us.
While that will always be our goal and marker of success, we have decided to publicly clarify the W questions of Dairyland: who we are, what we do, why we do it, and where we’re going. We spent weeks crafting a few sentences that we believe accurately summarize our answer to those questions. They are significant to us, not because they’re new and exciting, but because they express what we have always been committed to. They are the foundation we seek to continue building our company and work on.
And so, without further ado, we present our mission, vision, and core values:
We are the definitive source of specialized electrical protection products and knowledge, readily sharing our expertise to apply safe solutions to industries we serve while stewarding our resources to impact global relief and development efforts.
To make a safer world.
We will systematically expand domestic and international application of our products, utilizing our recognized expertise to best meet the customer’s electrical protection needs.
Beyond dedicated service to industry, we are compelled to model and champion compassionate, effective global engagement toward the transformation of vulnerable communities.
Invest in the Person
Give Generously
Serve with Excellence
Be Solution-Oriented
Stay tuned throughout the upcoming weeks as we delve deeper into what these statements mean and how we live them out.