Technical Article
Decoupler Testing – Indirect Test
Testing instructions for Dairyland products are often requested by customers wanting to verify decoupler operation. For a simple yet effective method of testing all Dairyland products follow the procedures outlined below.
Indirect Testing Method
Across product lines and applications, failures of Dairyland products are extremely rare. Often, a simple yet effective indirect test method is an adequate indicator of Dairyland product performance.
By design, Dairyland devices block CP current in their normal operating mode. Any device that is in its failed shorted mode will begin to conduct, resulting in a CP potential reading that is lower than normal. Therefore, reviewing your historical CP readings is a good indicator of product performance.
- Measure the cathodically protected structure pipe-to-soil potentials.
- If the readings indicate acceptable CP criteria and are in agreement with the trend of past readings at those locations, then the Dairyland device is almost certainly functional.
- If the CP potential readings are not as expected, a direct test of the decoupler should be performed to determine if the decoupler is shorted.
For instructions on performing a direct test please refer to: Dairyland Product Testing – Direct Test.
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