Protect Your Vessel From Corrosion

Fail-Safe Galvanic Isolation

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Since the year 2000, DEI Marine, a Dairyland Electrical Industries brand, has served the marine industry leading the way in fail-safe galvanic isolation.  Our products have set the standard for performance and quality and have been used around the world to protect vessels from galvanic corrosion current.

Perhaps lesser known to the marine industry, our company, Dairyland Electrical Industries has been actively involved in high-powered, semiconductor-based protection and switching devices since the early 1980s. We lead the world in offering conservative, safe, trusted designs to assure protective bonding and grounding under all conditions.  

At Dairyland, we are always evaluating and seeking improvement. Due to a variety of factors, beginning 1/1/2021, DEI Marine products will be rebranded and sold as a Dairyland offering. Similarly, product information, resources and all other information will be handled through our website.

Dairyland Galvanic Isolators

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Dairyland Galvanic Isolators