PCRX – Dairyland’s Solution to Obtaining Accurate OFF Readings
In this webinar, Dairyland Business Development Leader, Tim Bechtel, will address the causes of capacitive effects and relationship to decouplers, using real-world field data to demonstrate how to identify these via the waveforms from interrupted surveys.
You’ll learn how and why traditional decouplers can affect instant-off measurements. We’ll touch on some common methods used to address this challenge as well as their limitations. Then we’ll introduce Dairyland’s PCRX decoupler and show installation examples and field test results using the PCRX compared to traditional decouplers.
Presentation Time = Approximately 20 mins followed by 10 min Q&A.
Meet The Speakers
Tim Bechtel Business Development Leader
Tim has been in the corrosion industry since 2009 working as a contractor on projects throughout the United States. These projects ranged from installing cathodic protection systems, leak detection, coating inspection, and coating remediation. In April of 2018, Tim moved over to Dairyland Electrical Industries as a Business Development Leader. Tim received his bachelor’s from Central Michigan University in 1992 and his MBA in 2019. Tim is a NACE certified CP 2 and a CIP 3. Outside of work, Tim enjoys driving fun cars and running long distances. Read Bio.
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