Kailey Tachick

Executive Vice President of Finance, Systems, & Culture


If you could give yourself a new title, what would it be?
Ambassador of Empathy

What is your favorite part of your job?
Getting to connect and collaborate with others throughout the Dairyland team – they are remarkable people, have brilliant ideas, fresh perspective, and skills that wow me. I also love exploring and experimenting with how we can use business for good that refreshes us, our team, customers, industry, local communities, and even the world at large.  

Which is your favorite Dairyland cow?
Milk E. Whey, but I’ve been known to dress up Moorice for special Dairyland occasions too.

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When not working, what can we find you doing?
Soaking up sunshine and beauty outside, with people, doing something artsy, listening to a podcast, cooking, or trying to give my cat Sophie her best life.

What are you passionate about?

Pursuing and prompting emotional and relational wellbeing; organizational culture; making people feel seen and celebrated; cross-cultural learning; incorporating garlic into as many dishes as possible (within reason…I’m not going to make chocolate garlic pies or anything). 

How do you Live Engaged?
By seeing every moment as an opportunity to be present and intentional. There are countless invitations each day to be kind, connected, generous, compassionate, and to grow. I love learning and I feel a responsibility to apply what I learn, allowing it to inform how I relate to myself, other people, my work, and the environment around me. I also think that fun and silliness matter a lot; I try to make sure we don’t take ourselves too seriously. 

How/where do you volunteer?
Local organizations that support refugees and immigrants, wellbeing in my neighborhood, and food insecurity.

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Favorite game: Word games with people I love (Upwords with my grandma, Bananagrams with my mom, Ransom Notes with my family)  

Favorite food: A loaded charcuterie board  

Favorite place you’ve traveled: South Africa 

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